Your Dedication Message will be displayed free of charge.

If you would like, we will be pleased to place a flower bouquet next to your Dedication Message, as shown in the following sample.

This is to just say thanks for all that you did for the world.

Bill & Betty Smith - London, England
My Email Address
Email address will be keep confidential
We will send you a thank you note and forward any comments from public figures to you.
My Dedication Phrase (limit 100 characters)
My Signature Line
Bill & Betty Smith - London, England
J.Cooper - Houston, Texas USA

You may choose any of the bouquets shown below. Simply click on the circle next to the bouquet that you would like.

If you do not wish a bouquet included with your Dedication Message, just click on the circle next to that indication in the table.

I do not want a flower
Choose a Flower

To see a preview of your Dedication Message, click on the button below.