Place Your Advertisement in FunGuide

You can place your one-page advertising message in FunGuide. This message may include one or two small graphics, as well as up to 150 words.

Your ad will be accessed by a small banner link, that we will place on one of FunGuide's related pages. You can optionally have a second small banner, placed on a premium FunGuide page of your choice, also linked to your full-page ad

The price for this one-page ad, including the small banner link, will be $100 for initial setup charges, and $75 for three months of continuous placement.

To significantly increase the potential that a FunGuide reader will spot your ad, the banner can be optionally placed (on a first come basis) on FunGuide's home page, the Country selection page, the State selection page, or one of the Special Section (e.g., Spring Break) home pages.. These pages provide the indexes to all of FunGuide's attractions and are the most likely that that the browser will view when visiting FunGuide's web site. Thus, banners on these pages represent premium ad space in FunGuide. Placing your banner on these pages will add the following charges to your quarterly fee:

In Addition to the $100 (one time) set-up fee ...

2nd Small Banner
(3 months)
Total Charge
(3 months)
FunGuide's home page: $125 $200
Country selection page: $75 $150
State selection page: $75 $150
Special Section home page: $50 $125

You must also supply the graphics for the banner (approx pixel size 75 x 75)

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WEBways, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any information presented in the listings or claims made by the organizations and advertisers in Funguide.